mental health

Courage to Change

There comes a time in our lives when we need to concentrate on the things that matter. And for me, these past six months have been that time.

Photography has been pushed further and further down the pecking order of the things that matter.

My photography opportunities have become less and less, and I was becoming more frustrated with the lack of time with the camera. I knew something needed to change, so I had to decide. Concentrate on one thing at a time, and the photography will return.

I have made some changes to my life. I decided I needed a career change. With any decision, there needs to be action.

In November, I decided to go back to college to train as a counsellor. I knew there would be sacrifices and one of them being my photography.

Juggling photography with work, home life, and college was always going to be tricky. Something needed to change, and photography had to be sacrificed to put all of my free time into pursuing a change of direction.

Making the little changes have paid off as I already have a new job. It will be a significant change, but it is one that I am relishing.

Photography will always be that little piece of escapism that I need to keep the dark clouds away, but there comes a time when we need to step back a look at the bigger picture.

It is about changing the things I can and not worrying about the things I have no control over. Staying mentally and physically well will always be paramount, and if I'm to stay well, there must be the courage to change.

Keep the Faith


Mental Mental Mental

Keeping your mind fit is just as important as keeping your body fit.

Being creative is a great way of turning off the noise that rumbles around in your head.

Photography saved me from me. Street Photography is like meditation as it allows my mind to switch off from the mundane bullshit that we all have in our lives. Every now again, I can become lost in the moment. It is as though I am connected to something else, and that is me getting out of me.

Practising mindfulness is also a great way to get that connection. Tune in to your surroundings by listening to the sounds, and slowly you will get that connection. Try it for yourself.

The art of photography is not for everyone, but I honestly believe that we all have some form of creativity waiting to be discovered.

It is the little things that start big things.

Being creative will not cure mental health, but it will help you find some purpose in your life, and who knows, it may be the calling you have been searching for.

Keep the Faith.