
Time for Change.

If anything, these past 12 months have taught me to appreciate the small things. And that would include my photography.

Instead of looking for the things that I do not have, I have been grateful for the things I have now.

I have continued to look for photographic opportunities and used this time as a growth phase. It has slowed me down and made me look for new perspectives and try and see things in a different light.

Street Photography will always have its place, but I now understand it is not the be-all and end-all of my photographic journey.

Very soon I will be moving house. The area we are moving to will be closer to the countryside than the streets of Manchester. Plus, it will be a 30-minute journey to the coast. So as you can see, my progression is already there, and all I have to do is embrace the change. Change is good. It is the thinking that is overrated.

Keep the Faith


Under the Influence #5

Luigi Ghirri

When I visit the coast, I like to look for these big sky compositions with the clouds on the horizon.

My settings on the Fuji Film X100F are inspired by the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri and the book Kodachrome.

Film Simulation Classic Chrome Colour -4 Shadows + 2 Highlights – 1 Grain Effect - Weak

Kodachrome was Ghirri’s first book. The photographs present Italian landscapes in tightly cropped images through its adverts, postcards, walls, windows, and people. His work is abstracted compositions with highly textured frames within frames. Ghirri’s work reminds me of Willaim Eggleston as it takes time to understand the photograph's narrative fully. With each viewing of the book, his work starts to click into place, and that’s when you can really appreciate the photographer’s vision.

Keep the Faith


Print your Work.

It amazes me how many photographers do not print their work.

We spend hours perfecting our images for it to be uploaded on social media to be viewed for 5 seconds on a little screen!! The connection between us and the image is still not complete as we only see the digital copy. It is like downloading music. Yes, you have it, but you do not own it unless you are holding the CD or Vinyl in your hand.

Once we print our work, it then becomes a physical thing which in turn becomes more personal. We are then connected to our own work.

Now, I am not talking about printing huge gallery prints in gold frames, but small A4 prints or 6x4 ones; it does not really matter; at least we have that image in our hands.

This is a documentation of YOUR work which will be around a lot longer than storing them on a phone or a laptop. Basically, we are hiding them away in our little flies or uploading them into this imaginary cloud, and who knows what will happen to all that in the future.

We take the image, then edit the image we then present it to our audience, and the final stage of that image should be the printing of your work.

An online portfolio is good, but a portfolio than you can actually hold and see is priceless.

Keep the Faith


Some of my recent prints.

Under the Influence #2

Alex Webb.

Magnum Photographer Alex Webb is best known for his complex and vibrant street photographs from Latin America, Europe, and Africa.

 It was in 1979 that he made the transition from black and white to colour and the rest you can say is history.

When I was taking my first steps into the world of colour street photography his image from Tehuantepac, Mexico taken in 1985 was the one that fired my imagination.

If you are not familiar with the photograph, then I will describe it the best way I can and hopefully, you will find it on your next search for inspiration.

There are blue and white stripes on the building and monument which match the children’s clothing. At the forefront, there is a boy spinning a ball that looks like a globe of the world. Within the frame, there are 7 subjects and each one is serving a purpose not only are they bringing balance, but they are moving the viewer’s eye forwards then backward. But the most remarkable thing about the whole composition is the basketball going through the hoop at the top left of the image.

What can we learn from Alex Webb?

For me, its to try and look a little bit deeper, be patient, and trust your instincts.

I will never get to Alex Webb’s level, but I use his style of photography as a guideline for what is possible. And in street photography anything is possible.

Recommended Books – The Suffering of Light is a must for anybody’s collection.

"I only know how to approach a place by walking. For what does a street photographer do but walk and watch and wait and talk, and then watch and wait some more, trying to remain confident that the unexpected, the unknown, or the secret heart of the known awaits just around the corner" - Alex Webb

Keep the Faith


Fujifilm Love Affair

I purchased the Fujifilm X100T about 5 years ago, and it was a game-changer for me.

The film simulation Classic Chrome opened a whole new way of seeing, and it was then that I decided to work more in colour.

My street settings for CC are quite simple.

Highlights -1 Shadows + 2 Colour +2

White Balance, DR, ISO all on Auto as I want the camera to do the donkey work.

Why the T? This is such a versatile little camera, and I have taken it to the limits, and it has never let me down. Even in trying conditions, the T keeps going.

I have shot a full wedding with it; my bare fist boxing was all done in jpeg, and probably 90% of my street work has been done with this camera. I have hardly ever used RAW, and that is because the jpegs give me everything I need.

But my love affair with the T is nearly over as I recently acquired the X100F, and this is a thing of beauty. It has renewed my interest in Black and White with the beautiful Acros film simulations.

It is just like the T but with steroids. ISO is better, the focus is sharp and quick, and it looks and feels good.

I also own the Xpro1 with the 35mm 1.4, again a superb camera that can be temperamental at times, but this camera can produce some beautiful images when it is on it.

Everyone is different, but I like to keep my set up nice and simple I do not chase after the next big thing in the hope it will make me better photographer as its practise that makes you better.

When things are not going right, always remember it is not the camera's fault. It is the idiot holding the camera.

Keep the Faith


X100T Classic Chrome

Under the Influence #1

Harry Gruyaert.

The Belgium photographer is still a constant source of inspiration for me, and his self-titled book is the first one that I reach for when I need some direction.

In his early days, he was regarded as a maverick. A pioneer someone would not conform to the rule book. This photographer sees the world in rich colour, so he decided to photograph it that way. He found a style that suited him and then worked on it and made it his own.

By his own admission, there are no narratives to his work, only shapes and light.

His use of heavy colour mixed with punchy blacks draws the viewer into the frame, and there are no constraints to his style of work as he moves freely between street photographer and documentarian.

In the book Edges, he provides us with some beautiful seascapes that still have that “Gruyaert” look.

Harry Gruyaert is a great starting point for any photographer looking to experiment with colour.

Recommended Books – Edges & East /West

Keep the Faith