Like for Progress

Like for Progress.

We can get bogged down with the constant barrage of images that we see online.

Instagram is a prime candidate for this. The more we look, the more we can become caught in the snowstorm of images.

We can look at the number of likes and see this as a success factor that has a knock-on effect on our progress. Our progress should not be graded on the number of likes we receive because that will always negatively affect us.

It was a conversation with a fellow photographer and a good friend who got me thinking about how we look at progress.

He was telling me about an image that he had taken and the thinking behind it. He explained the process and the way the composition came together. And to be fair, it is a decent enough image. The colour is spot on, the depth of the image is good, the technical aspects are all correct.

All in all, this is a successful image and one that he should and was proud of, but he based the success of that image on the number of likes he received. Reread it. He based the image's success not on the technical aspects of the fact that he had taken a decent photograph but also on the wider audience's engagement.

Social media is a game, and we are all being played off each other. Thankfully, I stepped out from that arena a long time ago.

Keep the Faith


Northen Quarter , Manchester FujiFilm X100F